King Lear had grown old. Age had tired him, as had the cares of governing his kingdom. Now he just wanted to enjoy the fruits of hiss lab our. So he decided to entrust the affair of Britain to his children.
Lear had three daughter – Goneril, who was married to the duke of Albany, Regan, wife to the of Cornwall, and Cordelia, for whose hand the king of France and the Duke of Burgundy were being considered.
“Let me have a look at the map of my kingdom, “ said Lear to his men. “I have divided my kingdom into three parts, and have made a will which gives each of my daughter one – third part of my kingdom as dowry, so that future strife may be prevented. “ And turning to his daughters, he asked them:
“Tell me, my daughters, which of you loves me the most?
The two older daughters realized that, if they flattered their father, they could inherit considerable wealth. The youngest daughter, however, who truly loved her father the most, had no intention of being dishonest or of using exaggerated words.
“ Sir, I love you more than words can express, “ said Goneril, the eldest daughter, “I love you dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty, and beyond what can be valued rich or rare. I love you no less than life – a love that makes breath poor and speech unable.”
Lear was pleased. Pointing to do map, he marked out the part of kingdom that to be hers. It had shadowy forest, flowing rivers and wide – skirts meadows. He told her these were for her and her husband Albany and their children forever.
“And what says my second daughter?” he said, turning to Regan. Regan replied:
“I am made of that same metal as my sister. So prize me at her worth. She names my very deeds of love, only she comes too short.”
Lear was pleased once again.
“I give to you this third of my fair kingdom,“ he said, marking out her portion on the map. “It is no less in space, validity, and pleasure than that conferred on goneril.”
And finally, he turned to his youngest and most gentle daughter, Cordelia.
“Now our joy, although our last, no least, what can you say to get a third portion more abundant than your sisters?” He asked.
But Cordelia had heard her sister with disgust. Reacting to their hypocrisy, and to everyone’s amazement, she replied, “Nothing, my lord.”
“Nothing!” exclaimed Lear, “Nothing will come o nothing. Speak again!”
Cordelia replied that she loved her father as much as she ought to.
“I cannot heave my heard into my mouth. I love your Majesty according to my bond, no more, no less.”
Cordelia knew her sister well. She knew that they were not sincere in their love for their father. She had no love display if it was only to gain a more abundant portion. Lear who seemed to lack judgment in his old age, could not see beyond her strange reply.
“What’s this I hear, Cordelia? Mend your speech a little, lest you mark your fortune.”
My lord,” said Cordelia, her heart breaking with each word, for she truly love her father, “you have be got me, bred me, loved me. I return those duties back as are right fit. I obey you, love you, and most honor you. Why do my sister have husbands if they say that all their love is your? When I shall wed, my husband shall carry half my love with him, half my care and duty.”
“So young and so intender!” exclaimed Lear.
“So young, my lord, and true,” said Cordelia. She loved her father clearly, but not for material benefits he could confer on her.
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