On one day the deer appear sleepy. His
eyes seemed heavy to open. "Aaa ....
rrrrgh", the occasional deer seem to
evaporate. Since it was quite bright, the
deer feel the loss if the waste it. She started
walking the forest track to dispel sleepiness. Up on top of a hill, the Kancil
shouted arrogantly, "O inhabitants of
forests, I am the most intelligent animals,
clever and smart in this forest. Nothing can
match the intelligence and my intelligence ".
As he puffed out his chest, the Kancil was off and running down the hill. When it reached
the river, he met with a snail. "Hi deer!",
Greeted the snail. "Why are you shouting?
Whether you're happy? ", Asked the snail.
"No, I just wanted to inform on all forest-
dwelling animal that I am the most intelligent, astute and clever", arrogantly
replied the deer. "Arrogant once you hare,
I'm the smartest animals in the forest", said
the Snail. "Poisson ......., where possible"
joked Kancil. "To prove it, what if tomorrow
morning we race?", Challenged the Snail. "Okay, I accept your challenge", said the
Kancil. Eventually they both agreed to hold a
race tomorrow morning.
After the Kancil went, the snail soon gather
his friends. He asked for help to his friends
lined up and hide in the race track, and
respond if the deer call. Finally the awaited
day has arrived, deer and slugs were ready
to race. "Are you ready for the race run with me", asked the deer. "Of course I have,
and I would win," said the snail. Then the
deer slug invited to run in advance and
called to make sure it is up to where the
snail. The mouse deer casually walking, and
felt confident that he will win. After a few steps, the deer tried to call the snail.
"Snail .... Where you been up to?", Cried the
deer. "I'm in front of you!", Cried the snail.
Mouse deer amazed, and immediately sped
up. Then he called the snail again, and the
snail replied with the same word. "I was there front of you!" Finally the deer ran, but
he is calling each of the snails, he always
comes up and says if he had been before
deer. Sweat streaming down, her legs felt
weak and panting breath. Mouse Deer ran
on, until finally he saw the finish line. The face of deer are very excited, because
when he called slugs, have no answers
anymore. Mouse Deer felt that he was the
winner of that race. To her surprise, the
deer, because he saw the snails have been
sitting on a rock near the finish line. "Hi deer, why are you so long? I've come from
that! ", Cried the snail. With bowed heads,
the deer over to the slug and admit defeat.
"So do not be arrogant, you are cunning and
clever, but you are not the most intelligent
and ingenious," said the snail. "Yeah, I'm sorry snails, I would not be arrogant again",
said the deer.